t e c t o n i q u e
Produced within the framework of the department of contemporary puppetry (Figurentheater) at the University of Music and Performing Arts (Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst MHDK) in Stuttgart, in cooperation with the scenography department of the University of Arts of the Rhine HEAR in Strasbourg. Project funded through the City of Strasbourg, Department of International and European Relations. Promotion Young Talent (Nachwuchsförderung) of the Goethe-Institut for the Central American Tour 2019.
How work last names, according on the French context? In this experimentation, the performer* try to confront his personal datas with the French administration, and to search about French state politics on becoming and giving name. Where are woman's* last name? What does the french Government meant, with the possibility to "frenchify" name, to make Last name with "foreign connotation" sounds more french? And how?! Thought performing with water, lights, physic forces, masks and live music, it comes to an investigation about family structure, and how institutions shape how we can be perceive.
20.05.21 Festival Masqalors!, Saint Camille (Québec)
21.11.20 18:00 Festival interculturel Made in Stuttgart, Studio Theater Stuttgart
21.11.20 18:45 Festival interculturel Made in Stuttgart, Studio Theater Stuttgart
21.11.20 19:30 Festival interculturel Made in Stuttgart, Studio Theater Stuttgart
Past performances
15.11.20 18:00 Made in Stuttgart Festival, Studio Theater Stuttgart (canceled Corona)
15.11.20 18:00 Made in Stuttgart Festival, Studio Theater Stuttgart (Canceled Corona)
15.11.20 18:00 Made in Stuttgart Festival, Studio Theater Stuttgart (Canceled Corona)
29.08.20 16:15 St Jean du Doigt (France) Festival ICE, Autoportraits aux métamorphoses
29.08.20 15:30 St Jean du Doigt (France) Festival ICE, Autoportraits aux métamorphoses
28.10.19 : Festival international Theater of Things, Schaubude, Berlin
28.10.19 : Festival international Theater of Things, Schaubude, Berlin
11.04.19 2019 National Theater of San Salvador (El Salvador)
12.04.19 National Theater of San Salvador (El Salvador)
13.04.19 National Theater of San Salvador (El Salvador)
14.04.19 National Theater of San Salvador (El Salvador)
15.04.19 National Theater of San Salvador (El Salvador)
2.04.19 Spanish culture center, Antigua (Guatemala)
29.04.19 Spanish culture center, Guatemala City (Guatemala)
1.03.19 Festival of Theater-Garten of Alliance française (El Salvador)
9.02.19 : Festival queer feminist Ratures, Geneva (Switzerland)
10.02.19 : Festival queer feminist Ratures, Geneva (Switzerland)
26.07.18 : Giesinger Culture Price 2018 – 15 Minutes of Fame, Munich (Germany)
16.05.18 : Festival international Fidena „Figuren theater der Nationen“, Bochum (Germany)
16.05.18 : Festival international Fidena „Figuren theater der Nationen“, Bochum (Germany)
19.03.18 : Festival Les Giboulées, Biennale Corps-Objets-Images in Strasbourg (France)
9.03.18 : Puppetry Festival of Wels (Austria)
9.02.18 : Expeditions - Festival, Theater Westflügel, Leipzig (Germany)
10.02.18 : Expeditions - Festival de jeune marionnette contemporaine, Theater Westflügel, Leipzig (Germany)
17.11.17 : Figuma, Festival of puppetry in Eupen (Belgium)
29.10.17 : Premiere Parcours "Double play", Rampe Theater in Stuttgart (Germany)
17.07.17 : Student Festival "Die-wo-Spielen", HMDK Stuttgart (Germany)

Rafi Martin : Idea, Performing, Mask
Nina Kazourian : Live Music Conception, Performing
Camille Martin : Live Music alternately
Artistic support : Prof. Julika Mayer
Fisch construct : Stéphanie Oberhoff
This Project has been starting with the topic of names and changing names, diaspora, memories of migratory background, visibility or not of it, and the difference of treatment in the society. I've been growing up in a family that for part belong to the russian diaspora in Paris. I feel concerned about this question on my daily life. Stories about people that became the French nationality and through this changed their names are part of my family and the friend's circle of my family. At the same time, my official surname and last name sounds white French, and then do not seems to be connected to this topic.
Visual medium, like water's shadows, mask's play, fish and an aquarium are the scenographie and the requisites for this piece. Together with texts from the official website of the french state as texts with my own datas, they build different level of sensibility. Geometry (of the circle und of the square / of circle in square) und physic (to flow, centrifugal force) play a big role in this work. It has also a particular focus on scenography and live music through a cooperation with the scenography school of HEAR in France, and the musical cooperation of Nina Kazourian from the Neue Music department of HMDK Stuttgart.