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Excercices of disparition

Noli me tangere

A production of Joachim Fleischer and Rafi Martin in co-produktion with the FITZ! Center for contemporarium puppetry in Stuttgart


A body in motion, a body practising, like a flashing thought and again and again this disappearance, the disappearance of physicality. And then there again. On-Off-On-Off... The technique of practising. What appears so precise and recognisable loses itself, dissolves into disappearance. Body, space, meaning disappears. Breathe out. Exhale with a thud Flashing thought...a body falls. Bright light falls into black.














    Idea, concept and developpment:               Joachim Fleischer, Rafi Martin 

    Performance:                                                            Rafi Martin 

    Direction and Licht:                                                Joachim Fleischer


    Duration: 30 min



11.09.2020 20:00, STEP OUT #3, JES Stuttgart - Germany

   11.09.2020 22:00, STEP OUT #3, JES Stuttgart - Germany

   13.09.2020 22:00, STEP OUT #3, JES Stuttgart - Germany

   13.09.2020 22:00, STEP OUT #3, JES Stuttgart - Germany

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